Sunday, 14 November 2010

Hero’s Journey

WEEK 5 – Principle 2 – Hero’s Journey
Joseph Campbell was a writer who used the term monomyth to describe the general “hero’s journey”. Typically, Campbell describes the monomyth as a group of common story elements. They are as follows:


Call to adventure
Refusal of the call
Supernatural aid
Crossing the 1st threshold
Belly of the whale


The road of trials
The meeting with the Goddess
Temptation away from the true path
Atonement with the father
Apotheosis (becoming god-like)
The ultimate boon (big bang)


Refusal of the return
The magic flight
Rescue from without
Crossing the return threshold (2nd)
Master of the 2 worlds

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Here is the Monomyth plot from The Matrix:

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- Departure - Neo's departure and initial refusal to what is presented to him

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- Initiation - Neo meets Trinity (Goddess) and experiences apotheosis when he is given the choice red pill or blue pill (return to normality or become supernatural)

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- Return - Neo faces many challenges with his new found abilities, becomes a master of 2 worlds and has freedom to live after facing his challenges